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Secrets of a Successful Seminar

Holding a seminar is a great way for small businesses and young professionals to obtain new clients. A seminar allows you to increase your credibility in your field and appeal to your targeted customer base. However, those who have never held a seminar may find the idea somewhat nerve-wracking. You can cut down on your anxiety and hold a successful seminar with these key tips:charlotte business ethics

Find a Venue That Meets Your Needs

Choosing where to hold your seminar can be difficult. You will need to estimate the size of your audience as best as you can and also consider what technology you will need to conduct the seminar. At YourOffice Ballantyne, you can rent a seminar room by the hour or for the entire day. These rooms are perfect for seminars because each one comes with a ceiling mounted projector, 100″ projection screen, and six ceiling mounted speakers, and can be configured to meet your specific meeting needs.

The Best Time to Hold a Seminar

The day of the week and the specific time that you hold your seminar matters. Choosing a date and time that is convenient for participants is key to a successful turnout.

Day of the week: While the best time will depend on your customer demographic, it is usually best to hold a seminar on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Fridays may hurt seminar attendance because many have weekend plans, while Mondays are the start of a work week and participants may be too busy to attend.

Specific time: Once you have chosen the day of the week to hold your seminar, you will need to pick a good time for participants to attend. You will want to give them enough time to finish up their work, pick up other guests, and get to your location. Consider holding your seminar at 6 p.m. or 7 p.m. for the best turnout.

Advertise the Event

Once you have everything planned for your seminar, it is time to make sure that people know about it. You can get the word out through a variety of methods, including your local newspaper, posting flyers around your area, and posting the information on your blog or website. Use social media to advertise the seminar as well for more attendees.

Make the Presentation Exciting

Captivate your audience and ensure they will remember your business by choosing a keynote speaker who is not only an expert in their field, but who is also a great public speaker. Involve the audience by allowing time for questions at the end and make sure to give your keynote speakers the most speaking time if you will be having more than one speaker. Another way to generate interest is by giving supplemental handouts that provide more information about the topic at hand.

Seminars are excellent for generating interest in your business and growing your client base. While there may be some stress to conducting a seminar, it should also be fun for you and everyone attending as well. You are getting the chance to inform participants on a topic that you are hopefully passionate about or one that you feel is worth discussing. Remember to enjoy yourself and make your seminar fun for others as well.

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