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3 Resources to Help You Start Your Business in Charlotte

Charlotte, NC is emerging as a top city to start a new business. I’ve been in Charlotte for a couple of decades now and I can tell you that the business community in this city is incredible and city leaders have stepped up over the years to transform Charlotte from a sleepy old mill town into a bustling center of 21st century activity.

If you are thinking of starting a new business in Charlotte there are lots of great resources. Here at YourOffice-Ballantyne we work with lots of great people who have decided to branch out on their own by hanging up “a shingle” and hopping on the roller coaster ride we call entrepreneurship.

In working with some of Charlotte best entrepreneurs, I’ve researched some of the top resources for getting your business started in Charlotte and here are my top 3 choices.

Charlotte Chamber of Commerce

The Charlotte Chamber has always been active in moving the city in the direction of becoming a top level city for entrepreneurs. One of their efforts has been to create a new Small Business Toolkit.

This Tool Kit  is filled with great resources, like zip code demographics, GIS mapping and a member directory. The golden nugget of this site is the “Layman’s Guide to Starting a Small Business.”  Rich in contacts for every business need, it can help you with everything from building standards and recruitment to communication and transportation.

Charlotte SCORE

Charlotte Score  is another phenomenal resource for budding entrepreneurs. They are a resource partner of the U.S. Small Business Administration and offer free small business counseling services.  Score mentors are real people who possess real-world business knowledge that will help you launch your business and it is totally free! Their professional mentors have been counseling business owners for more than 40 years.

Additionally, Charlotte Score’s website offers extensive  educational materials, helpful business links, seminars and workshops, plus information on local business events.  Once you browse the site, you’ll find the non-profit’s mission statement rings true in that they are “dedicated to entrepreneur education and helping in the formation, growth and success of small business.”

Once you surf this site, you’ll understand the name.  SCORE!

Finally, check out the “Starting A Business” section of . is a resource for all things related to the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County.

The “start a business” section is the collaborative effort of community business resource partners, collecting information and service provided by each partner for easy referencing for the (already overwhelmed) new business owner or aspiring entrepreneur.   Some of the site’s links include topics like training, patents, networking, relocating and financing.

The Charlotte, NC area is the fifth fastest growing metropolitan area in the US! New residents and visitors create a rich environment receptive to new business ideas and services, making Charlotte an ideal area for creating new opportunity

Collectively, my Top 3 resources for Starting a Business in Charlotte combine to create a remarkable library of literature, links and personal assistance – designed specifically for those gifted with an entrepreneurial spirit and a 704 area code.

So read up!  Develop that amazing idea and turn your thoughts into profitable action – because when you start your new business, both you & Charlotte win.


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