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5 Ways to Make a Great Business Impression

business impressions

Competition in the small business world can be fierce.  That’s why it is more important than ever to make a good first impression for potential clients. Get started today with making your small business a top contender in your market with these tips for a great first impression.

Have A Stellar Online Presence

 In today’s business environment a lot of times the very first impression your customers receive is from your online presence. If you don’t have a professional, straightforward online presence, or worse no online presence at all, you are starting off on the wrong foot. If a potential customer reaches your website but is bogged down by the time it takes to navigate or by a confusing layout they may decide to take their business elsewhere.

 If, however, their very first impression of you is a professional, well laid out, aesthetically pleasing website they will be more likely to consider your services, and connect with you. Don’t let your potential customers pass you by. Set up a simple WordPress website and let your customers know that you are a current and proficient business owner.

Get Testimonials

 After taking some time to check out your website, most potential customers will look for testimonials. Customers want to know that you’re business is professional but they also want to be sure that you’re trustworthy. Getting testimonials is an invaluable way to make potential customers feel good about your business. If you’re just starting out the best way to get a few testimonials is to offer free services in exchange for reviews.

 Once you have the first few testimonials you can use them on your website or in any other marketing materials that you use. It’s also a smart business move to ask for reviews from all your subsequent customers. A business that has numerous positive reviews will be more successful than one without.

Have A Professional Email Address

 Looking for a surefire way to out yourself as an amateur? Then have a free email account such as Gmail or AOL as your business account. You will undo all previously positive impressions that you’ve made. Once these potential clients attempt to contact you they realize that your email account is the equivalent of having a meeting in a coffee shop.

 Setting up an account through a domain service provider that can use your business’s website is an affordable option. For close to $10 a month you can show your potential clients that your business is legitimate and professional.

Have A Professional Address

 Having a professional address is along the same lines as having a professional email address. The number of professionals and business owners who work from home is growing every year. However, even though it’s common there is something to having a home address as your business address that sends the wrong message.

Potential clients want the best when looking for a business to work with. Show them that your business is a top contender in your market by getting a virtual office. You can often have a receptionist, someone to collect your mail, and the impressive presence that comes with a legitimate business address.

Have A Professional Meeting Place

 So the potential client has been sufficiently impressed by your website, testimonials, email address, and prestigious business address and would like to set up a meeting. There is nothing worse than setting up a professional business meeting only to be limited by your location. Clients will be less than impressed by meeting in a living room or a coffee shop so make sure you offer them the best possible place to meet for your business meeting.

 For a much more affordable price than leasing an actual location for your business you can rent a professional meeting room for your next meeting. Oftentimes they come equipped with videoconferencing and other cutting edge technology that you can use to make the best possible first impression.

In the business world, first impressions are everything. If you follow these five tips you can be sure that you’re putting your best foot forward for your clients and potential clients.

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