Being a premier Charlotte office space provider, we people come up with creative & fun ways to get the most from their spaces. What are creative ways you can utilize your office supplies? Have you ever tried any of these?
Sometimes a simple and innovative trick will save the day. Here are 7 office hacks we’ve seen in our Ballantyne executive suites.
- Paper Clips – These little tools can be used for much more than just holding your papers together. They make great bookmarks, too. Have you ever gotten a disk stuck in your computer? Simply use a straightened paper clip and insert it into the disk drive. This will take care of the problem without having to call the IT guy. Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction at work? The top button of your shirt pops off, the zipper on your pants gets stuck, etc. With a little maneuvering, you can turn a paper clip into a clothing pin.
- Rubber Bands – Set a task reminder for yourself by wrapping a rubber band around your wrist. In your spare time, build a rubber band stress relief ball. You’ll find the creative process stress relieving in itself. Once it’s done, you can squeeze or bounce it to relieve the pressures of work anxiety. Ladies can also use rubber bands as make-shift hair ties when they forget to put their hair up in the morning. The rubber in rubber bands has the same erasing power of the eraser-end of a pencil.
- Scotch Tape – Did you get to work this morning only to realize you had your pet cat’s hair all over your suit? How embarrassing. By wrapping scotch tape around your fingers sticky side out you’ve got yourself a lint roller. Tape can also be used for making labels and notes to be placed throughout your office.
- Binder Clips – Are you tired of having tacky computer cables protruding from the back of your desk? Use binder clips to rein in and organize. You can create sections of your hanging folders by simply adding clips in between them. Also, you can prop up your laptop, preventing overheating and potential wrist issues.
- Letter Tray – Utilize this space fully by storing electronic items like your modem and router. The top of your letter tray also makes a great space for your laptop. Get an external keyboard and you’ve simulated a desktop computer.
- Staples – You can use staples to hem your pants temporarily. You can also straighten them to make tacks.
- Toilet Paper Roll – These will also make great storage for unruly computer wires.
Though simple, these cost-efficient ideas make the most of what would otherwise be lying around. They also bring an excitement to the workplace that can sometimes be lost in the day to day grind.What are some innovative creations you’ve thought up while working in your office space? Invite your coworkers to have a friendly competition with others in your workplace to see who can think of the next big office hack.