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How to Celebrate Halloween at the Office


Halloween at the office

Who doesn’t love dressing up and decorating with spooky spiders and bats? It’s no wonder that Halloween has become the second most popular holiday in the United States. It appeals to the kid in all of us and allows us to become someone else, even though it’s just for a day. Celebrating Halloween at the office is a great way to foster workplace unity and fun. So how can you celebrate Halloween at your office? Here are some great ways to make Halloween a fun and team-building holiday for your business.

Costume Party!

Choosing a day when everyone can come in dressed in costume can be a lot of fun. It’s fascinating to see what people will come up with for their Halloween costumes. It can also be fun to vote on “best” costume in several categories and maybe even have small prizes. You can have contests for funniest costume, scariest costume, most creative costume, and maybe even the laziest costume just for fun. Each winner could receive a special basket of candy or other fun Halloween-themed gift just to add to the festivities.

Halloween Breakfast or Luncheon

Having a Halloween-themed breakfast or lunch for everyone can be a great way to create an atmosphere of fun and harmony in the workplace. Some great Halloween-themed treats might be cider, doughnuts, pumpkin bread, pumpkin coffee, and apple strudel. Make the eating area conducive to conversation and team-building by encouraging a break for the “party” so everyone can spend some time in conversation and enjoying their Halloween foods.


What would Halloween be without the spooky decorations? Encourage your employees to decorate their work areas and give awards (similar to the costume awards above). Decorating is a great way to celebrate the holiday and create an atmosphere of fun and spookiness! Spiders, spider webs, bats, skeletons, and ghosts are all fun and festive ideas for workspace decorations.

Pumpkin Carving Contest

A pumpkin carving contest is a fun way to foster collaboration and team-building among your employees. It can also be a great way to promote your company via social media with pictures of the contest and pictures of all the finished products. If you hold the contest later in the workday you can even encourage employees to bring their children and make it a family event!

Halloween is a great holiday to promote in the workplace. Whether through costumes, decorations, or festive foods, it’s a holiday that everyone can participate in and it’s a great way to kick off the holiday season!

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