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Entrepreneur Events in Charlotte

Every successful business was at one time only the small dream of an entrepreneur. Now, these businesses are the source of jobs and wealth for our economy. The truth is that the United States depends on entrepreneurs not only to keep our economy strong, but also to come up with unique solutions to complex problems. Entrepreneurs are important, which is why we have rounded up a list of entrepreneur events in Charlotte for those inspiring individuals who have a vision and want to make it a reality. Event Word Circled Calendar Date Special Day Party Meeting

EO Charlotte Get to Know EO

When: February 3, 2016

Venue: Napa on Providence

Location: Charlotte, North Carolina, United States of America

The Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) claims to be the world’s only peer-to-peer network that is exclusive to entrepreneurs. This organization can help entrepreneurs connect with each other and answer questions that only other entrepreneurs may know. EO chapters are spread throughout the United States and Charlotte’s EO chapter can help connect you to the best events and social gatherings for entrepreneurs. EO’s Charlotte Get to Know EO event will introduce you to those in the Charlotte area so that you can share your passions and gain valuable insight to Charlotte’s entrepreneurial scene.

Charlotte, NC Entrepreneur Simplified Business Workroom

When: February 10, 2016

Venue: Hilton Charlotte Center City

Location: 222 East Third St, Charlotte, NC

If you are looking to jump-start your business but can’t figure out how to do it, the Business Workroom offers free workshops that will help put you on the right track. Learn where your business needs improvement and how to invest in a business that will thrive rather than die. This event will keep you from making common mistakes when it comes to startups.

Women Business Power – Master Mind Monthly Meeting

When: February 11, 2016

Venue: Material Girl Hair Company

Location: 520 Collins-Aikman Drive #E207, Charlotte, NC

This free event is perfect for women entrepreneurs and business owners who are looking to network and discuss business. Being an entrepreneur already presents some unique challenges, but women can experience another side to the business world entirely. For this reason, it is important that women have a place to share and connect with others to discuss their own obstacles and strategies to overcoming them.

Essential Marketing Strategies for 2016 – Session 1

When: February 11, 2016

Venue: Fairway Independent Mortgage

Location: 8832 Blakeney Professional Drive Suite 102 Charlotte, NC

Everyone knows that a critical part of any business is its marketing strategy. Presented by Fairway Independent Mortgage, this seminar is part of a series that will teach you valuable marketing skills such as building a brand that people can connect with and implementing social media strategies that will engage your audience.

Make Dreams a Reality at YourOffice Ballantyne

Being an entrepreneur takes a great amount of perseverance and hard work, which is why it is critical that you have the tools you need to move forward. If you are looking to build your dream from the ground up, YourOffice Ballantyne is the place to do it. With fully furnished offices and meeting rooms, flexible virtual office solutions, and all kinds of professional amenities, YourOffice Ballantyne is ready to make your dreams a reality. Let us know what your business goals are so that we can deliver the workspace to make it happen.

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