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Entrepreneurs in Charlotte

Everyone knows Charlotte is a hub for some of the largest and most successful corporations in America. Did you know, however, that the most exciting jobs in the city are in the startup sector? From tech to food, Charlotte entrepreneurs are putting the city on the indie development map.

Why are tomorrow’s business leaders choosing Charlotte as the launch site for their next great ideas? Charlotte is the sixth fastest growing city in America. The city leads the nation in new businesses, and its employment rate is one of the best. People are coming here from all over the U.S. and the world. Those people are all potential customers.


World Class Support

Charlotte is quickly building the nation’s leading infrastructure for business. World class services combined with excellent lifestyle options make the city a great place to headquarter your company. Office space can be hard to come by in such a growing real estate market. If you’ve selected Charlotte as your base of operations, consider YourOffice Ballantyne for your temporary or virtual office needs. Located minutes from the city center, YourOffice Ballantyne can provide for any requirement.

The most dangerous time for any new idea is right after inception. The Charlotte Regional Fund for Entrepreneurship, or CRFE, provides support to organizations that build the environment for small business to thrive. This is just one of a wide variety of support structures in place for new businesses in the city.

Many young company creators are people of color, tearing down walls in every industry. Working with City Startup Labs, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte is creating the Center of Excellence for Entrepreneurial Competency (CoE). The CoE’s focus will be in re-imagining young black men as the business leaders of tomorrow.

Independent businesspeople enjoy the support of organizations like the Entrepreneurs’ Organization. EO Charlotte is part of a network of entrepreneurs worldwide, spanning a wide range of businesses. A fraternity for more established businesses leaders, EO offers connections to other successful independent businesses in the area and abroad. Things to do in Charlotte during August


Investment Potential


With so many successful companies in residence, the city is attracting new investors every day. Every emergent startup needs capital, and Charlotte is rich with people and organizations looking to support innovative new ideas.

Launched in 2013, the Charlotte Angel Fund is one such organization. Administered by Greg Brown, the Fund includes over 20 members with resumes ranging from investment banking to successful startups. The Fund has pooled approximately 1.3 million dollars and is actively seeking Charlotte area businesses to support.

Another fund currently seeking Charlotte-based entrepreneurs is the Inception Micro Angel Fund. Part of a statewide network, the IMAF works with companies on the starting line, providing startup capital for new ideas with strong potential for market leadership.


City of Innovation

Charlotte’s lead in new businesses expands far beyond the technology and banking centers. In the past few years, the city has become a hub for entertainment, food, and various other endeavors. In just a few short years, Charlotte has become a hub for independent microbreweries, to name one of its many growth industries.

Whatever your innovation is, bringing it to Charlotte is the first and the best decision you can make for your new company.

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