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2 Great Business Events in Ballantyne Next Week



One if the best things about the Ballantyne area is the abundance of great business events that are going on all the time. Every week there is something new and with so many different events there is something for everyone. This week, if you’re looking for ways to improve your productivity or learn more about equal pay in the workplace then the events in Ballantyne on Tuesday and Thursday are not to be missed!

Equal Pay Day Event

On Tuesday April 8th, experienced Human Resources Professional, Mare Murano will be leading the Metropolitan Business & Professional Women members and guests in a Q&A about Equal Pay. If you’ve ever had questions about the topic of Equal Pay come on out to Vine American Kitchen at 5:30pm (Q&A begins at 6pm) and enjoy happy hour specials between 3:30pm and 6:30pm while getting all of your questions answered. If you’d like to attend please RSVP to Amanda Saari at [email protected] and if you’d like more information on Equal Pay Day feel free to visit If you’re interested in learning more about Metropolitan Business and Professional Women please visit


Free Productivity Workshop

Do you ever find yourself looking at the clock or staring into space when you should be working? Learning how to maximize productivity is something almost everyone could use to improve and on Thursday, April 10 there will be a free productivity workshop titled, Take Control of Your Days Workshop. It will be held from 3:00-5:00pm in the Bissel Training Room and there is limited seating so be sure to register soon at


There are always great business events in the Ballantyne area and with different events each day you can be sure that there will be something that will be of interest to you and your coworkers or employees. We here at YourOffice Ballantyne look forward to seeing you at one of these great upcoming events!

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