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5 Tips On Relocating Your Business

relocating a business There are many reasons for relocating your business. Perhaps you have outgrown your office space, and need to find something larger. Or, maybe a move to a different geographic region will give you access to a more qualified workforce. Even if the move will be well worth it in the long run, the actual move itself can be chaotic, stressful, and an unproductive time for your company. Here are a few tips on relocating your business to help the transition go as smoothly as possible:

Create A Detailed Relocation Plan

Once you have decided to leave your current location and you have your new office space lined up, it is time to create a detailed relocation plan. This should include each task that needs to be done – everything from boxing up equipment to ordering new furniture for the larger space to ordering new business cards with the new address. Each task should then have a date that it needs to happen by, and a person in charge of getting it done. The more detailed your plan, the fewer surprises you will have on moving day.

Expect The Unexpected During Your Business Move

You may create the perfect relocation plan, but there is always something unexpected that throws a wrench into it. Be prepared to improvise! You problem-solve and think on your feet regularly as part of your job, and just being mentally prepared to do this during your move will help you handle whatever comes your way.

Consider Upgrading Rather Than Moving Your Equipment

This is a great time to upgrade to new equipment or furniture. Take some time to research the condition of your office belongings and the cost to move vs. the cost to replace. After weighing your options, you may decide that during the relocation is the perfect time to upgrade some of your aging items.

Anticipate Downtime During Your Business Relocation

Even if you are making a small move to a different office suite in the same building, there is going to be downtime with every move. If you anticipate the downtime then it won’t cause you as much stress and worry. You can also minimize the downtime by completing as much of your move as possible over a weekend.

Designate A Relocation Coordinator

If you have a small office staff, then designate someone with excellent organizational skills to be the relocation coordinator. This person will be the point person for the move. He or she will do the scheduling, and will delegate and oversee all tasks that need to be accomplished. For large offices or businesses making long distance moves, consider hiring a relocation coordinator. The key here is knowing what you can handle, and when you need to call in the professionals.

Relocating your business can be hard work, but a well-managed relocation may be just what your business needs. A transition can be a time of excitement and opportunity. Once you are moved in, your new office space may inspire productivity, allow for growth and increased profitability, and offer employees a better quality of life.

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