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Charlotte Executive Suites – What Do They Truly Cost?

BallantyneSo you’ve decided that executive office suites in Charlotte are the best choice for your business. Now what? How much will the executive suites actually cost you? It can be somewhat difficult to decipher at first since each company will structure their payment agreement in a different way.

The best way to be sure that you’re comparing companies accurately is to figure out what the full value is of the contract over the length of the agreement. If you simply compare initial startup cost or just monthly cost you won’t get an accurate picture. There are many options in Charlotte, but figuring out the option that has the best value for your business is an important consideration.

What Options are Available for the Space Itself?

When determining which package has the best value for your company, it’s a good idea to start with what’s available. This cost comparison worksheet can help get you on the right track but here are a few questions to get you started:

  • What is the square footage of each of the offices in the package?
  • Is internet and telephone included or a separate fee?
  • Is a virtual receptionist included, and if not what does it cost to have one?
  • Is the office space in the package exterior or interior?
  • Is furniture included in the price?

Each company does things a little bit differently, but with so many options there is bound to be one that will suit your needs and help you to feel right at home in your new office.

Research One-Time Fees

Each space will have the typical monthly fixed fees that you’ll be made aware of right from the start. Some providers will have these at the beginning of your contract and others will include them at the end. It’s also a smart idea to evaluate these fees carefully since some dishonest companies will use them to hide fees that you wouldn’t normally accept. Some of the questions that you can ask to determine the true cost of the one-time fees are:

  • What are all of my set-up costs?
  • How much is the deposit?
  • How much is the office refurbishment fee (for when the lease is up and you’re not planning to renew)?
  • At the end of the contract, what does it cost to continue phone and mail service?

Be sure to compare all fees, including these, side by side with other providers to get the true cost of your next office space.

Adding It All Up

Once you’ve determined the one-time service fees, the monthly fees, and the startup costs, you’ll be in a much better position to figure out how much each of the providers will actually cost. If you’ve found an executive office suite in a great location in the Charlotte area, with affordable rates and no hidden costs, great! You’re well on your way to leasing an affordable new office space to help take your company to the next level. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 704-944-3200. We look forward to helping you find the best space for your growing business.

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