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The Do’s and Don’ts of Staying Productive During the Holidays


work productivityThe holidays can be as stressful or as joyful as you decide to make them. If you try to multitask, cram too many events into your work week, or wait until the last minute for everything, you may find the holiday time to be much more stressful than enjoyable. On the other hand, if you plan ahead and have realistic expectations for the season, you’ll find yourself closing out the year joyfully and feeling refreshed instead of worn out.

Do: Get Organized

If you’re generally an organized person for the rest of the year, be sure to keep it up during the holiday season! If, however, you’re more likely to be a little scattered and not good at keeping to a schedule, this might be a good time to work on that. The holidays can include lots of commitments and added things to remember, so it’s essential to at least attempt a bit of organization this time of year. Even by simply creating a to-do list and sticking to it you’ll feel much more relaxed and able to stay productive while enjoying the holidays.

Don’t: Take Your Work Home

It can be tempting to take your work home with you at any time during the year, but during the holidays it’s even more essential to be sure to separate your home and work life. If you don’t insist on that balance during the holidays, you will quickly become burnt out and your productivity will plummet. Loss of productivity plus frustration with finishing up your at-home to-do list will lead to a very stressful and exhausting holiday season.

Do: Take a Few Days Off

Remember all those sick days and personal days that have accumulated over the course of the year that you haven’t used? Instead of letting them roll over into the New Year (or losing them completely!) take a few days off to beat the shopping rush and spend some extra time with family. You’ll return to work feeling refreshed and ready to tackle those end-of-the-year projects with renewed enthusiasm.

Don’t: Overcommit

Overcommitment is often the norm of the holiday season but it doesn’t lead to a more enjoyable holiday by any stretch. Overcommitting yourself is a surefire way to become burnt out and lose productivity at home and at work. It may be tempting to go to every holiday party or event, but this type of overextension can lead to important things slipping through the cracks and causing you to start out the New Year in a bad place. Carefully choose which events you’ll attend and then plan around them so you can enjoy the holiday without the added stress of too much going on.

Do: Get Into the Holiday Spirit

The holidays are about celebrating and spending time with family and friends, which means it’s a season of joy! Cultivating a sense of joyfulness and of being thankful for the many good things in your life can not only help you to enjoy the season, but it can also help maintain your productivity. So put on that Santa hat or throw on some jingle bell earrings and enjoy the fun and laughter that comes with the season!

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Staying productive during the holiday season doesn’t need to be a challenge. Simply by staying organized and being aware of your time commitments and limitations, you can enjoy the season without any added stress or frustration. So just keep in mind our list of holiday do’s and don’ts and have a joyful and stress-free holiday!


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