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5 Must-Haves for an Executive Office Suite

conference room in ballantyne If you had a bird’s-eye view into the executive suites of 100 different CEOs, you would see a vast array of decor including hundreds of different items. One CEO decorates with large-scale art, another has sports memorabilia, and another has shelves lined with reference books and photos. What’s in your office? If you are a CEO or an aspiring CEO, then here are five categories of items that are a must-have for your executive suite:

Think Like A CEO: What’s In Your Executive Suite?

The Reminder

Nobody begins their career as a CEO for a successful company; there are many steps, and many lessons learned along the way. As a CEO, you will want to have an item in your executive suite symbolizing where you came from. This reminds you, and others, of who you were before you became a successful CEO. This may be your first dollar earned, a copy of an early business plan, or a gift from your grandfather who inspired you to go into business. Whatever the object, it pays homage to the past.

The Aspiration

Business is a journey, and the journey is ongoing. Every CEO needs something in his office keeping him on the path to achieving his dreams. This could be an inspirational quote from a successful role model, a whiteboard used as a scoreboard to post earnings and goals, or a beautiful piece of artwork showing where you want to be in 10 years. This item is a symbol of the future.


Whether business, personal, or a bit of both, you will want to have something in your office that shows your values. This item could reflect your business values, such as an antique chess board symbolizing patience and the planning of each move for a successful checkmate, or personal values shown by family photos.

Creature Comforts

If you are like most CEOs, then office life takes up a large portion of your time. Your office needs to include objects that help you relieve stress and relax. For some, this may be an interactive game that frees up your mind such as a basketball hoop or dartboard. Others relax with a comfortable oversized chair and a cup of tea served in an antique cup. The creature comfort item is a completely nonprofessional object or activity that will help you have some relaxing downtime, so that you can get back to work.

The Invitation

As a CEO you will constantly be having conversations – many of them difficult conversations – with employees and clients. These conversations are made easier with an object that invites banter or a personal conversation. This could be the golf clubs in the corner, a unique piece of art, a baseball card collection, or any object that invites interaction and conversation. The invitation item has nothing to do with business; it is unusual enough to inspire a conversation that will put your office visitors at ease.

With items in your executive suite from each of these categories, your space will be a reflection of you – your past, your day-to-day necessities, and your successful future.

ballantyne executive suites

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